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tv   Breaking the Set  RT  February 2, 2013 1:28am-2:00am EST

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is that the mental sleeves of your propaganda that work at these schools are raising a generation of children to be just like them somebody shoot me with a bubble gun there's just my opinion. to live on one hundred thirty three bucks a month for food i should try it because you know how bad the less bad luck. i mean . i know that i'm still really messed up. in the old story so actually. it's a little worse for going through. my house or the. radio guy minestrone. what we're about to give you never seen anything like this until.
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greene's earthlings i'm abby martin and this is breaking the set so today is secretary of state hillary clinton's last day on the job i know i'm sad to call her farewell happens to fall in the same day a suicide bomber detonated explosive device outside the entrance of the u.s. embassy in the turkish capital amman carra secretary clinton's last month in office or been subjected to scrutiny but the attack on the u.s. consulate in benghazi last september eleventh an infinite that left four americans dead and the fortunate for us as americans that clinton's last day in office we remembered by yet another terrorist attack against this country's diplomats abroad attacks like this one today speaks volumes about the hatred and resentment so many people still feel toward the government of the united states or resentments that is not founded on shallow sea over our freedoms but on the aggressive military and oppressive economic policies that this. government exports around the world are
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resentment that will not go away until we make a significant change in this country until that happens i'll be breaking the set. a little. good if you've never seen anything like i'm drunk. all right let's talk about the economy the jobs report released today was somewhat mixed there was a gain of one hundred fifty seven thousand jobs on one end but on the other a slight increase in unemployment to seven point nine percent this uptick in unemployment became all the more prominent after yesterday's g.d.p. numbers showed signs of a contracting economy so how seriously should we take these numbers and it what do they really mean to help us break it all down as bob english independent trader and guest contributing editor at economic policy journal dot com thank you so much for coming on bob thank you so what do these numbers really mean break it down for us
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we have basically two headline numbers that came out today the first is the actual unemployment rate which ticked up a little bit to seven point nine percent means seven point nine percent of the people who are looking for jobs don't have jobs and then we have the second number which is the number of payrolls that were added the number of jobs that were added it was one hundred fifty thousand one hundred fifty seven thousand so that was a little bit less than what was expected but still not too bad and it also doesn't really count for moonlighting i mean people who are picking up second jobs third jobs even to make ends meet really no no not at all when you look at the actual demographic breakdowns you have older people holding on to their jobs a little bit longer and younger people can't find jobs so it's not pretty right absolutely it's not a pretty situation all i mean all these rumors of you know the slowdown in the economy even rumors about another recession coming how much of this is residual from this these fiscal cliff hysteria talks is there any merit to that we're facing
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this again i think there's some merit to it but the fiscal cliff is going to be resolved i think it's overhyped i happen to come from the austrian school of economics we look at what the federal reserve is doing in terms of money printing and they've been shoveling a lot of money at the big banks and into the system and we're seeing the effects of that in terms of a higher stock market in time in terms of higher food and gas prices for you and me you know will death there's no doubt about the fiscal cliff been overhyped. but you know it's not the government's job necessarily to create jobs but yet they just close down this job council office i mean what what should we see the government do to really remedy the situation the government needs to get out of the way and stop trying to you know the thing to let markets clear which is basically say's law and economics if you get out of the way you stop trying to mess with prices and even wages or for the prices then the markets will take care of themselves so the government needs to get out of the business of meddling with everything will wait.
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theirs and the markets is going to regulate itself i mean how much more free can the market really get if it's pretty much already in our government right now i think it's kind of a misnomer that we have a free market especially when it comes to finance the number of regulations have been increasing exponentially we have dodd frank now everywhere you look there's a new there's a there's a new pool of regulators that are just jumping or chomping at the bit to get their teeth into the system but what about i mean the banks essentially own our i mean we saw bankers put obama in you're saying that there's too much regulation on the very banks that pretty much own the big organizations the big guys get a pass and that's part of the system right so they get loopholes and loopholes are created for them they write a lot of the regulations and they're able to game the system now i'm not saying that they should be regulated but i'm saying the way the system is set up is to benefit them and hurt the smaller players. disagree with you there why would they close down that office do you think that was kind of not doing anything i mean i know that they only met like four times in the last two years it was kind of a show anyway but i mean should they just maintain this illusion that they're at
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least trying to. maintain the illusion that well i mean we're good we're only one month into the new term. could've been done to the others and yeah we shot of the original in time but it's funny because jeffrey immelt the head of general electric was put in the position there's nobody probably who's who's benefited greater from government large us than him he has all these huge defense contracts which have built his business. general electric over the years and he's typically a republican but then when obama came around the winds were shifting and he jumped on the obama bandwagon then about a year ago he shifted to romney he thought that romney was going to get so i think it's time you know it's kind of had kind of come all of a norah goes around and around doesn't really matter what party as long as it's benefiting you but what is going to happen what needs to happen here for economic policy to really make a good change forward here. well like i said the government needs to get out of the business of trying to interfere with everything so in
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a certain sense gridlock is good the fiscal cliff you know it's not all bad from that standpoint but what about the inequality that's just continuing i mean you're saying that this is the inequality that we're seeing rising more and more year after year is due to government regulation too much government initially and then the market yes definitely because the more interference you have the more markets are distorted and you have money going to all these sectors in the government and the friends of the government into all these wasteful projects when really you're just transferring wealth from people who excuse me the productive people and the people who are not productive and wealth inequality expands when you have more intervention not the reverse all hopefully we can apply the same laws that were subjected to these giant corporations and bankers so we don't live in a two tiered justice system maybe we will see the inequality lower i don't know if we can agree on how the solution is made but thank you for your opinion bob english financial contributor appreciate you coming on.
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i want to talk about something that's very dear to my heart using art as a medium of self-expression art its many splendid forms as verse a tile in a way that's as limitless as our imagination can also be a very powerful tool to relay profound social commentary through symbolism and imagery jazz singer and civil rights activist nina simone once said an artist's duty is to reflect the times and in the most beautiful way and his music reflected a struggle for racial and gender equality yet in today's society art is going through a transformational crisis contemporary artists are becoming victims of a consumer culture of mass commercialization and corporatization the most perfect example of this i think i can think is shepard fairey the man who coined the viral obey brand and a person who i used to look up to quite
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a bit has created some amazing art depicting propaganda posters that criticize war and empire in fact i took the whole obey message as being a mockery of how ludicrous it is to worship a figure or state which is why it was especially fascinating for me to see him pioneer the most viral image marketing campaign for obama's election i'm sure you've all seen this image over the last four years has obama our help to galvanize this country's youth to support the very establishment that he once mocked one that perpetuates empire work injustice and inequality all after coming to terms with us apart proceed from one of the most well known commercial artists i realize that there is a serious lack of political artist in today's society to follow true to nina simone's message now let me be clear there are a multitude of artists out there who are doing groundbreaking work in the form of music photography and all different mediums of artistic expression their visibility however is overshadowed by a consumerist culture
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a culture that no longer values the merits of the blood sweat and tears it takes to create something by. hand instead it's replaced by ten dollar walmart prints in a high brow. art gallery culture that overlooks true radicalism and replaces it with bland commercialism personally i could speak to this frustration as an artist i started painting merely as a catharsis initially i used abstract art as an outlet to escape the intense political activism that dominated my normal life however while living in oakland i saw an enormous lack of political commentary and what was supposed to be one of the biggest counterculture art hubs in the nation and it made me realize that i needed to shift my focus on creating art that critiqued the very things that i rally against with my words every day. here's my depiction of obama's logo called killing hope never before obama's presidential campaign had it ever seen
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a candidate brand themselves with a corporate logo the official logo appears to be a giant blue o's sun rising over an american flag horizon symbolizing the supposed dawn of a new beginning. for years and his presidency obama is not only continue to most of the corrupt unjust and inhumane policies of the criminal bush term but in many cases this administration has exacerbated them at this point it's more than fair to say that the obama regime has blood all over its hands my interpretation of his logo is one where the american stripes are spilling into a deep pool of blood representing the carnage and death that has resulted from the perpetuation of these horrendous policies the blood also represents the slow death of the false sense of hope that this campaign galvanized broken promise after broken promise more people are breaking out of the baseless propaganda an empty rhetoric and starting to acknowledge that true change and hope can only be sustained through love strength and peace not
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a corporate marketing campaign financed by corrupt banks and bloodthirsty military contractors this next one is entitled riot cops it's a photo that i took of a line of riot police during an oscar grant rally in oakland the cops looked so absurdly robotic and aggressive holding their batons that i wanted to take the image and make it beautiful so i decided to draw over it and make a whimsical depiction of something that was so inherently disturbing and intimidating. this next piece of my depiction of the b.p. oil spill called the holocaust of sea creatures as you can see bush and obama are both the pickton because both are equally complicit in securing the continuation of the two tiered justice system in which we live one where corporations like b.p. can poison the entire gulf and instead of getting punished they're rewarded. for their criminality meanwhile the critters of the ocean are left to suffer with no one left to speak for them my last piece that i want to share with you today is
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called nuclear fear it's my portrayal of the fukushima nuclear disaster and it was intended to show the horror and tragedy that comes with the world's dependence on nuclear energy. needless to say if you're passionate about something it is in part your responsibility to express that passion and reflect it through a medium that speaks to you art is a universal language that speaks directly to humanity's subconscious one that can serve motions that no words can so i implore you to heed nina simone's advice and a world so corrupt with so much injustice is it not our duty to reflect the ugly truths instead of feeding into the very institutions that work to suppress them. will feel like we see so far go to our you tube channel you tune dot com such breaking the set subscribe to us check us out on hulu as well hulu dot com slash breaking the sat check us out on our facebook page and like us facebook dot com
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break in to send if you want about what i'm doing on the twitter verse follow me on twitter at abby martin i did a break from my preaching the day to hear from some more political artists next. wealthy british study done. some time to write a little story. down. market why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy with mike stronger for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune in to conjure reports .
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more news today violence is once again flared up. these are the images the world has been seeing from the streets of canada. china operations are all today.
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looking. good if you've never seen anything like the top. last weekend i went to the opening of a really amazing art exhibit right here in washington d.c. it's called crude and it's a sharp critique and dramatic observation of the political conflict between social liberty and the business of oil earlier i talked a conceptual artist behind crude. what is art and what he believes is the evolution from a natural resource to a national identity take a look. suggest all oil industry because oil.
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for oil industry it's look like a take a boil in this tea and they point to things are going to space and let's let's take a look at some of it unfortunately we have f.c.c. regulations so we can't show some of the words but i think that we can get the gist i wanted to show that yes we can add a few so we had to block it out but i mean this really does speak for itself i mean what's amazing is that that's a ballpoint pen. stuck to little by a ballpoint pen and then i was in military. duty involved months to write a letter for my parents. and then. they take. my soldier on my way express myself and why this language i mean yes we can pretty much what is what is this made.
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you made to post. and they're not. just paying the bill and they usually. have a distance between each and even. in these installations i would seem to give him a one sentence that. can be close. to and sentence yeah yeah you're taking a really popular image and just saying this is kind of the darker reality of. this brand of this sentence. i love i loved it i mean it's incredible let's look at the democracy piece i mean this piece really says it all i mean it you know you that's why i loved you didn't have any captions explaining it's just like this is this is i mean you have the pumps with the oil pumping through why did you choose this word to display you know because. he. told people and they feel. as
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it's. a democracy. when you when you wait to see in cuba not to speak to. you know the guy these concepts are really there's so much more behind them i mean when we're go around and spread democracy in the world what are we really do we know what's our intent really so this is just so powerful to see there's an. amazing to see up close and the bubbling and kind of has seen of the of the crude oil and the letter. that was conceptual artist and if you want to check out the rest of his exhibit called crude it's being shown through mark at the washington d.c. american university art. i speak about the importance of art as a form of political and social expression with
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a name to reflect the times my next guest in bodies this notion is a street artist who uses mixed mediums to create some of the most amazing political art and murals i've ever seen as our ranges from political satire to a critique of the socio economic system that controls our lives and it's so compelling that it sparked much controversy as well as admiration from those who see it so joining me now from our new york bureau is near a list an artist i'm sorry l.a. studio marijuana thank you so much for coming on thank you so mirror have you always done political or was something specifically that drove you to start using art to relay a political message. yeah i've kind of always had a political edge to my work but in the i guess the reagan administration. i became more aware of political conversation and adding that in some i are saw the works of robbie connell on the streets of l.a. other political artists is really inspiring to me also while it's really hard to do
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miracles i've only done one of my life but it was really difficult and that's why i admire your work so much because i know how hard it is and you do a lot of incredible inspirational miracles i wanted to take a look at some of them for our audience i wanted to show the freedom for humanity and mural that you did in london. picks the all seeing eye bankers sitting across a monopoly board on the backs of pretty much humanity you have nuclear destruction in the background chains machine gears and a guy saying new world order is the enemy talk about this piece. it's kind of a an allegory of how i see the world currently right now and how it's been for a long time i feel like we're all. living under some level of economic slavery in this world all producing products and material goods for some cause that never really seems to benefit the majority of us people in here and we're just continually dying off while the wealthy live these lives of luxury in the mural was
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innocence you know framing that concept and. i want to make people aware of this and make it kind of popular to talk about some of these subjects or you'll bring them up to people and people think your know your conspiracy theory is there are a series of different you know terms so call you at the end of the day these things are really happening and it's important to open our eyes to wake up in add to our conversation well that's what's so great about your art because it really speaks to people that sometimes words can get across but when you see an image it can affect you so profoundly and you know it's so controversial in fact that this miro actually made worldwide headlines there was an article from the daily mail that said banking protest miral resembles not see auntie's sematic propaganda and it was supposed to be removed from the east and i mean what the hell was this about will
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it. i feel the the message of my mere old kind of. taken away by. hysterical story that these were not c. propaganda characters when they weren't they were they were they just like they're like that old white man to me basically they are and it's a characterization of different bankers i looked up from the robber baron era of everyone from war to rothschilds or rockefeller these guys are twisted gnarly looking old and that's what i want to interpret which is the creed and you know the twisted in this within them well i guess when you provoke so many image emotions that you know people really don't like it and they try to remove the art i mean was that every move did you have to paint over or did that kind of die down no the mural was vandalized by some local people who disagreed with it and.
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it eventually had so much controversy all interaction going on it got whitewashed on fortune and that it had a life for about three and a half weeks i believe and it's also lives on on the internet you have these incredible videos of you it with you know in fast motion painting some of these models i wanted to show another one called humanity versus the machine it's in culver city it depicts factory farming the industrialization of food g m o's it's almost this battling ended with the natural world people on our ghana farm what drove you to write this piece just being a human and just getting let down of the world out there seen what's going on in the desire to eat clean food breathe clean air to live a clean healthy life opposed to this factory driven toxic waste. just becoming another number in society reality it's really a let down grow and live this life to see that this is what the world is slowly
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becoming so they use this are to once again. energy this message into society so that we begin the conversation around hopefully waking people up inspiring people to think outside of this nightmare that we're slowly waking up to and indeed it really is amazing the industrialization of food really disturbing i wanted to show another one allegory of complacency you have a lot of symbolism of the all seeing eye and the pyramid and underneath you have the masses in this mural you have the single man who seems to be rising above it all talk about why you use the symbolism of the all the night of pyramid and kind of someone kind of rising above it well the person rising above i see in myself and i've seen people who have liberate themselves to the point that they can think outside of the standard story and that's called the conscious objector and he's the
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narrator and i use this type of imagery sometimes to convey a this is a story and it's being told through an individual who has evolved beyond it and has the ability to relate this story to the public the all seeing eye is an ancient symbol goes back way beyond egypt. i believe in general universally represents a level of human consciousness and deepen our mind. but it also is a co-option of that consciousness and it represents many other things. hierarchy in the eye of lucifer. horus which comes ancient egypt which was a high arc of goal form of rule rule over people and so. yeah i mean it's so powerful there's a mold that they alit have really sees that i mean you see it inherent in so much
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commercial commercialization of different products. from time warner. it's a very narrow yeah exactly it's a really powerful symbol and that's why i like they are kind of flipping it on its head and really showing it for what it is i wanted to talk about another painting actually it's where you've constructed obama you have known this bush the survey island state i mean is this kind of symbolic for that osama bin laden was just a construct created by the establishment to create perpetual fear i believe so when when you do enough research into the actual information behind september eleventh. and everything else that's kind of happened since then and when you start looking into the past everything from. the overthrow in iran. the revolutions what took place in central and south america during the one nine hundred seventy s. and early eighty's. you start to realize the there's
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a lot of lies we've been told and this lot uncovering information we need to go see right now we this into our discourse there is going to continue to be ruled by a lot of the past which i believe is the problem absolutely merit of forgery we're out of time amazing art everyone check it out near one artist thank you so much for coming on thank you. so you just saw two amazing inspiring political artists are really provide a social critique this week and i want you guys to get out there paint do something go go to museum gallery meacher get off your cell phone and really just live life and start breeding have a good night. there are twelve cities in the united states in which half of the people with hiv aids
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lives within a year of a diagnosis of each and over sixty two percent and so speak. with this is. they were.
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